How to Sell Your Home Fast

A black and white drawing of a phone on a white background.

Contact Us

You can either call us or submit the form on our website

A black and white drawing of two speech bubbles on a white background.

Let's Talk

We use our customized pricing platform to provide the quickest and highest cash offer available

A hand is holding a coin with a dollar sign on it.

Accept Offer

We'll present you with a no-obligation offer, instantly.

A black and white icon of a piece of paper with a pencil on it.

Sign Paperwork

You get to pick your closing date and move out date. Remember, you're in control when you enroll with "Quickcashoffer".

A black and white drawing of a handshake on a white background.

Close & Get Paid

Once you accept, you will close with a professional, reputation title company and walk out with your CASH.

What Sets a Professional Cash Homebuyer Apart from a Traditional Real Estate Agent?

Working with a cash homebuyer like us offers some unique advantages, and we’ve highlighted the key differences below. While we value real estate agents and collaborate with them often, selling directly to us is a distinct process compared to listing with a traditional agent.

Selling to Us Listing with an Agent
Commissions and closing costs? ✔️ 0% More than 6%
How long does it take to close? ✔️ Within 10 Days Usually 45-90 Days
Do I need to clean or make repairs to my home? ✔️ Never! Always
Does my home get listed on the MLS? ✔️ Never! Usually
Can the deal fall through due to financing? ✔️ Never! Frequently

How is my home offer calculated?

We believe in full transparency with our home sellers, especially since trust is essential in any transaction. The table below outlines the basic formula we use to determine if purchasing your home makes financial sense for us.


After Repair Value. This is what we expect the home to sell for after we've fixed it up.

 - Repair Budget

This is how much we estimate the renovation to cost us.

 - Costs to Resell

When we resell, we have to pay agent fees. Typical real estate commissions are 6-7%, and closing costs (title and escrow fees) are another 1-2% and other taxes can be roughly 1-2%. We expect this to wind up around 10%.

 - Profit

Don't let our transparency surprise you, we wouldn’t be able to remain operational without turning a profit. We factor in a profit on each offer so there are no surprises or hidden fees.

 Your Cash Offer

This is how much we can give you for your home on the closing date of your choice. No hidden fees, commissions or anything. This number is exactly how much we pay your for your house.

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